
Introducing, Zoe Summers

Published on
May 9, 2024
Introducing, Zoe Summers
Zoe Summers
Zoe Summers
Zoe is the first practitioner who started working with Tessa at Wellness. She is the go-to person for anything to do with your immune system, issues with fatigue as well as sports performance and nutrition.

Kia ora everyone,

I thought it was time I do a blog post to introduce myself further as I start taking on more clients for 2023.

I grew up in the Hauraki Plains on a small dairy farm running around on the races and playing any sport I could. I then moved to Christchurch to study a Bachelors of Sports Coaching/Exercise Physiology, before moving back up to Auckland to study Naturopathy. 

The outdoors is my happy place. When I’m not in the clinic, I’m moving my body by surfing, hiking, going to the gym, or yoga. I am also a keen kickboxer with more upcoming fights planned for 2023.  I am very much looking forward to soon calling Queenstown home!

I was inspired to study Naturopathy after experiencing my own health concerns with my menstrual cycle, sleep, mental health, and my sports performance and recovery.

As a practitioner I love to share my passion of natural, holistic health and educate clients on the many ways we can be ‘healthy’ and how you can achieve a balanced lifestyle. During a consultation we delve into your lifestyle, nutrition, current state of mind, and work together to develop sustainable changes that promote balance in your life.

It is important to understand that health looks different for everyone, and striving for perfection can be overwhelming and also negatively impact your health. As cliché as it sounds, balance is really the key to long-term and sustainable health.

Yes, you can drink your green smoothies, go to the gym, hike on the weekends, do your mindfulness practice, indulge in the beers and burger on the weekend, and still be healthy. You can do both.

Excessive restriction or indulgence with nutrition or exercise can both impact your health. We want to strike a balance where you are eating enough to sustain your energy and work, sleeping well, hydrating adequately, and getting your daily sunlight. These can be considered as your basic needs to thrive.

I often recommend an 80/20 guideline for my clients, where 80% of one’s focus is on nutrient dense meals, prioritising our sleep, engaging in movement that makes us happy, and the remaining 20% is reserved for ‘soul-feeding’ experiences – the burger, the last-minute music gig, and the general spontaneity that comes with life. This 20% keeps you sane!

This ratio will fluctuate throughout your life as we move through stressful periods. Your ratio could change to 60/40, or 50/50 for a period. This is ok! You can keep tabs on your general health by monitoring the following health indicators such as 

  • Digestion becoming sluggish
  • Broken sleep and waking up unrefreshed
  • Energy and general zest for life declining
  • Changes to your menstrual cycle (skipping your period, irregular bleeding, spotting, PMS)
  • Poor recovery from training

How can we shift the needle in a way that is sustainable to support your health, but leave room for the spontaneity that comes with life?

In working together this is something we can address for the long term.

Medicinal herbs and your vitamins are great to get you back on track, but the baseline, the thing that remains for the rest of your life, is your lifestyle habits, nutrition, movement, connection to the land, and your community around you.

This is where a practitioner can really help you connect with what works best for you and guide you towards that sweet-spot of balance.

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